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Structure and ACE-Inhibitory Activity of Peptides Derived from Hen Egg White Lysozyme
Memarpoor-Yazdi, M., Asoodeh, A. & Chamani, J. Structure and ACE-Inhibitory Activity of Peptides Derived from Hen Egg White Lysozyme. International...
PEAKS 6 Released: Complete Software for Proteomics
Waterloo, ON – Bioinformatics Solutions Inc, makers of PEAKS software for mass spectrometry, has released the much anticipated “PEAKS 6”,...
Phosphoproteomics and molecular cardiology: Techniques, applications and challenges
Sun, Z., Hamilton, K.L. & Reardon, K.F. Phosphoproteomics and molecular cardiology: Techniques, applications and challenges. Journal of Molecular and Cellular...
Functional protease profiling with reporter peptides in serum specimens of colorectal cancer patients: demonstration of its routine diagnostic applicability
Findeisen, P., et al. Functional protease profiling with reporter peptides in serum specimens of colorectal cancer patients: demonstration of its...