PEAKS Studio 3 is released

Waterloo software developers, BSI (Bioinformatics Solutions Inc.) announced their latest de novo sequencing and protein identification software, PEAKS Studio 3 today. PEAKS Studio 3 boasts an advance in protein identification technique. BSI has developed a meta search protein identification tool called “inChorus protein ID”. This allows researchers to cross check their findings automatically. PEAKS Studio 3 launches other search tools and integrate the results from all searches. Iain Rogers, part of the research team at BSI expressed this feature as “Get the right answer in one shot.”

PEAKS Studio 3 also uses tandem mass spectrometry data to find peptide sequences with our without the aid of a database. PEAKS technology prides itself as being the fastest, most accurate auto de novo sequencing algorithm on the market. It provides a complete sequence for each peptide, confidence score on individual amino acid assignments, simple reporting for high-throughput analysis, and all the information a researcher needs for in depth investigation. PEAKS provides all of the tools necessary for superior peptide sequence derivation and protein identification from tandem MS spectra – all within an intuitive graphical interface. Complete with auto de novo sequencing, manual de novo sequencing and protein database searching technology, PEAKS Studio 3 provides fast, accurate results for spectra from both sequenced and unsequenced organisms.