Monitoring the M-protein of multiple myeloma patients treated with a combination of monoclonal antibodies: the laboratory solution to eliminate interference

In this study, Noori et al show that MS-based MRD monitoring is over 15-fold more sensitive than conventional diagnostic measures. More importantly, MS-based MRD monitoring with PEAKS de novo sequencing can be used with heterogeneous patient populations, and does not have to be adapted when novel t-mAb are approved for use in patients.

A protocol for qualitative and quantitative measurement of endosomal processing using hot spot analysis

Clement et al. have published their method to identify differences in endosomal antigen processing by dendritic cells including wet lab, LC-MS/MS & data analysis. Clear and concise details in this publication, including step-by-step LC-MS/MS and bioinformatic instruction, make this paper an excellent guide for researchers interested in the identification and quantification of antigenic proteins and peptide epitopes.

De Novo Sequencing of Antibody Light Chain Proteoforms from Patients with Multiple Myeloma

Mathieu Dupré, Magalie Duchateau, Rebecca Sternke-Hoffmann, Amelie Boquoi, Christian Malosse, Roland Fenk, Rainer Haas, Alexander K. Buell, Martial Rey, and Julia Chamot-Rooke. De Novo Sequencing of Antibody Light Chain Proteoforms from Patients with Multiple Myeloma. Analytical Chemistry 2021 93 (30), 10627-10634. doi:10.1021/acs.analchem.1c01955